Monday, April 8, 2013

Stressed Spelled Backwards.......

This semester has gone by oh so fast. I can't believe that it is 
already the dreaded finals week.
I am trying so very 
hard to not be overly stressed out about 
things, because it is 
just silly to worry so much. But it's SO hard. 
There are finals to study for
and next semester to worry about. My 
roommates and friends are all 
going home 
and it will be so weird not having them here. Even though it's only 
been 3 1/2 months 
it feels like so much longer, yet it goes by so quickly.
GAH! I can't believe how 
fast life goes by. 

It is so important to just enjoy the things 
that are happening now in life. 
I'm a natural worrier too (which I hate) so I've been doubling my efforts 
to not let things get to me. Haha!
Anyway, I've had such a great first semester! 
And next semester is going 
to be just as great! 
I really am excited, I just hate how things have to end. 
But life is sweet! 
And stressed spelled backwards is desserts! 
If there is something you
should know about me................
I love desserts! :) BAHA!

And for anyone else out there who has finals... good luck to you! 
Treat yourself to some dessert when you finish :)

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