Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Trial of Your Faith

Man. Who knew that looking for a job could be so difficult, 
frustrating, tedious, and discouraging. 

I experienced some of this while I was in Utah. But wow. I don't understand why
it is so darn hard. I went out job hunting 
when I came back to the Springs, and I landed two job interviews that 
first day. I was so excited and it was awesome to be so successful within the first couple of 
places I applied! 

The first place I applied to was at a
bank close to my home. They were looking for part timers. I went in Thursday morning
for an application and then later on that evening I got a call 
from the bank for an interview 
the following morning. I was like, dang that was quick. So on Friday morning 
I got all ready for my interview, and walked over to the 
bank. It was my first interview ever
so of course 
I was nervous. It went really well until
she asked about college. I told her where I was going and then she asked me 
when I would leave. 
Since it is coming so soon and it's practically September already
she said that the bank would have to spend 
a lot of time and money on me just 
so I could turn around
in 4 or 5 months and leave.
I understand of course, but it's still a downer because 
I know I would have gotten the job.

So back to Thursday. I also went down to 
Cold Stone 
for an application, and luckily the manager 
was there so I got to talk to 
her. She explained that they only do working interviews and she scheduled 
me to come in on Saturday from 3-6 to work. 
I was so shocked that they do 
working interviews, it scared me at first, but I was actually pretty excited
because I would be able to 
interact with customers and be behind 'desk' so to speak with an apron on
serving ice cream and really doing 
So I went in on Saturday afternoon, got a little 
bit of training in, observed the 
employees there and then I just jumped right in with the customers. 
It was weird to be asking people what they wanted 
when I didn't even know what 
all of the products were or 
how exactly to make all of them. But I caught on pretty quick 
and I actually had so much fun doing it! 
She told me that she would call me on Monday, and I was so confident and sure that I 
landed myself a job. 

Monday rolled around, she called and told me that everyone 
loved me, that she really wanted to hire me, a lot,
(there's always a but attached) 
because I was leaving for school in January that she just couldn't hire me. 
She did say that when I came 
back from school in July,
to come see her and she would hire me from July to January. 
I guess that's good,
I need a job now! 

I hate hate HATE looking for employment. It is difficult,
frustrating, tedious, and discouraging. 
I'm not giving up. I'm putting my faith in Heavenly Father. 
In the Book of Mormon in Ether 12:6
it says:
"And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; 
wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until 
This is just a trial of my faith. 
I know I will get a job before college and it will be the right one for me. :)


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