Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Trial of Your Faith

Man. Who knew that looking for a job could be so difficult, 
frustrating, tedious, and discouraging. 

I experienced some of this while I was in Utah. But wow. I don't understand why
it is so darn hard. I went out job hunting 
when I came back to the Springs, and I landed two job interviews that 
first day. I was so excited and it was awesome to be so successful within the first couple of 
places I applied! 

The first place I applied to was at a
bank close to my home. They were looking for part timers. I went in Thursday morning
for an application and then later on that evening I got a call 
from the bank for an interview 
the following morning. I was like, dang that was quick. So on Friday morning 
I got all ready for my interview, and walked over to the 
bank. It was my first interview ever
so of course 
I was nervous. It went really well until
she asked about college. I told her where I was going and then she asked me 
when I would leave. 
Since it is coming so soon and it's practically September already
she said that the bank would have to spend 
a lot of time and money on me just 
so I could turn around
in 4 or 5 months and leave.
I understand of course, but it's still a downer because 
I know I would have gotten the job.

So back to Thursday. I also went down to 
Cold Stone 
for an application, and luckily the manager 
was there so I got to talk to 
her. She explained that they only do working interviews and she scheduled 
me to come in on Saturday from 3-6 to work. 
I was so shocked that they do 
working interviews, it scared me at first, but I was actually pretty excited
because I would be able to 
interact with customers and be behind 'desk' so to speak with an apron on
serving ice cream and really doing 
So I went in on Saturday afternoon, got a little 
bit of training in, observed the 
employees there and then I just jumped right in with the customers. 
It was weird to be asking people what they wanted 
when I didn't even know what 
all of the products were or 
how exactly to make all of them. But I caught on pretty quick 
and I actually had so much fun doing it! 
She told me that she would call me on Monday, and I was so confident and sure that I 
landed myself a job. 

Monday rolled around, she called and told me that everyone 
loved me, that she really wanted to hire me, a lot,
(there's always a but attached) 
because I was leaving for school in January that she just couldn't hire me. 
She did say that when I came 
back from school in July,
to come see her and she would hire me from July to January. 
I guess that's good,
I need a job now! 

I hate hate HATE looking for employment. It is difficult,
frustrating, tedious, and discouraging. 
I'm not giving up. I'm putting my faith in Heavenly Father. 
In the Book of Mormon in Ether 12:6
it says:
"And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; 
wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until 
This is just a trial of my faith. 
I know I will get a job before college and it will be the right one for me. :)


Monday, August 13, 2012

Next Time I'll Bring My Machete, Oh & A Flashlight

Let me just start by saying I love hiking! It's one 
of my most favorite things to do!

My cousin Sarah was in town this past week and she loves nature as
much as I do. So of course, we went hiking while 
she was here. Karali and Trevor live at the base of the mountain, so we decided that we would hike up their 'backyard' and it was tons and tons of fun. 
First we went down a trail that lead to this old ruin type structure. I'm not
sure exactly what it is but it's pretty cool, except for all 
of the graffiti and stuff. We were able to explore it and then we went on our adventure up the mountain. 

We left for the hike at like 7 ish pm so we were able to see the sun set over the city and it was just absolutely gorgeous. Going up wasn't too hard, it was just coming down
that was kind of a challenge because of how 
steep it was. We were literally sliding down the mountain on our bums. 
We got many battle scars haha, but 
that's not the only reason why. We had to wade and smash our 
way through trees and underbrush, and we had to climb over huge boulders and stuff. 
I love doing this kind of stuff. It really is like an adventure
because you have to work and fight to get 
to where you are going 
and you have no idea what will be 
in your path. 

I know this sounds weird, but you know in some movies the characters are traveling through a thick jungle or something and they have to crawl under bushes or 
use their knife to break through the 
vines and branches just to walk through? Well, I've kind of always wanted to do that. 
Just be in nature breaking my way through to an 
opening. And I was able to on this hike; obviously I didn't have a machete or 
anything so I just used my hands and feet!

Yeah, we went through that. It was the only path. It was funny though because
it was almost like the branches 
were grabbing us and not letting go. I got snagged on my 
clothes and shoelaces and literally got stuck in 
the shrubbery. Anyway, you get the point, it was a very 
adventurous hike with my wonderful cousin Sarah and we got to see the sunset!

While the hike was awesome and beautiful and all,
we had to go home in the dark which
was kinda scary. We couldn't really see where we were going and 
we had the same obstacles on the way down as we did on the way up. Shrubbery and long stretches of boulders that we had to crawl over. We eventually made it home safely with 
nothing more that scratches and BIG
bruises. But it was so worth it :) As you can see from the pix.
We were so blessed with protection from the
wildlife too. We didn't run into any cougars, bears, deer, or rattle snakes. 
I'd love to do it again, but next time I'm bringing my 
machete and a flashlight! :)
Thanks for coming with me Sarah-bear! I love ya!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm Legal!!!!

Well, I'm 18!! It's crazy to think about. 
You wait for something all your life and then once it happens, it doesn't 
seem as grand. Funny how that works.
When you're a little kid, all you think about is growing up and 
being older and therefore "cooler", but 
once you get there (18 I mean) you look back and you realize that those 18
year olds you once looked up to really weren't 
that old. Now that I'm 18
I feel older, but at the same time I still feel young. Haha, does 
that make sense? 

Anyway, I do love being able to say that I am 18! It feels great! :)
I had such a good birthday: 

  • My friend Kristen kidnapped me
  • We did watercolor painting at the park and made a Little Mermaid music video
  • We raced around in shopping carts at Target
  • Ate lunchables and went down slides
  • Bought lotto tickets at the 7/11 and drank slushies
  • AND we did a message in a bottle and released it in the creek 
chalking at the park :)

the night before we went to this open field in her neighborhood and sang at the top of our lungs as we ran through the field! i've always wanted to do that, so we did :) it was so much fun to talk and catch up with her!
our scratch lotto tickets....i lost, haha
our message in a bottle! it really was legit 
 So after our adventure, I went home and waited for my mom to get
off work. She got home like 5 minutes 
after I did and then we went out shopping. We window shopped at Target, went to 
the Chick-Fil-A at the mall, and then 
got some shoes at Payless! 
After that we picked up my dad from work and headed to Costco to get 
me a computer for college (that was my favorite present)!

This year instead of doing a traditional birthday cake, 
we each picked out individual cake slices from Albertson's. That way we all got 
what flavors we wanted! I got a chocolate snickers cake! It was YUMMY! 
I love birthday cake!

I really enjoyed spending my special day with my family and friends! I love them all so much!
I also loved just talking and spending 
time with my mom, especially since I've been gone for so long! 
I love her so much!

Well, here's to being 18, "I'm so old" (sarcastic) :) I'm looking 
forward to life ahead, and maybe in 10 years when I turn 28 I can truly say that I feel old!