Friday, November 1, 2013

30 Questions

While on Pinterest 
a couple of days ago I stumbled upon what I thought to be a 
gem, especially for posterity. 
It is a site that has thirty questions to answer and 
record for future kiddos. 
I thought it was pretty cool and there are actually some 
pretty good questions on 
Normally I don't like doing things like this, but I thought 
"Hey, what the heck?" haha. 
I don't think I will do all of the questions [at least not now] because there are so many 
and some are very in depth. 
So here we go... let's haaaave some fuuun!

1) List 20 random facts about yourself. 

1. I broke my wrist in 7th grade
2. When I was 10 I would write my own songs
3. There is a tiny part of me that wants to be an actress
4. I have lived in 5 different states
5. Every time I cut my toenails I get an ingrown toenail [haha]
6. I am very indecisive 
7. I can get intimidated easily [even by little kids, it's weird]
8. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up
9. Cereal is my weakness
10. I didn't stop peeing in my pants until 3rd grade :)
11. I worry and stress way too much
12. I cannot be held responsible for my actions after 11:00 pm [I get crazy loopy]
13. My favorite color is purple, sometimes 
14. I'm not as good at video games as I'd like to think I am
15. The feature I like the best is my eyes, especially when the sun hits them 
16. I was a nail biter [kicked the habit long ago] 
17. I cannot wait to be a mom
18. I have a very very ridiculous fear of sharks 
19. I am extremely picky about jewelry and therefore hate receiving it as a gift
20. I am a Mormon [that's the best fact :)] 

I hope you enjoyed the facts and maybe you learned something new about me, haha :) 
I think I will just leave it
at question one for today because it was so long. 
Happy November! 
Remember to count your blessings.