Ever since I got to Utah Ive been wanting to be more productive. You know when we were in school and we got out for summer and the
first couple of weeks it was so nice to sit around and not have anything to do?
Well, it's been nice to sleep in, really nice, but at the same time
I really want to start using my mornings to become more productive. I want to get up earlier so that there is more to my day. I love getting up early
in the morning, it is so peaceful and quiet, the sun is just rising, and
there is so much of the day ahead of you! So my friend
Stacey gave me the idea
to start running in the mornings! It's a great
way to get buff (haha) and also I'll have time to just think.
Anyone who knows me knows that I don't run. I mean, ever. I'm super out of
shape. And it's prolly funny for witnesses to
observe me trying to run. I almost wish I could watch my poor
self run. ;)
Anyway, my 'run' turned out to be more of a walk. I did
run for some of the way, but it was mostly just a walk up the hill, which is a workout of its own. But the morning 'run' I had really was great.
I got to enjoy the beautiful morning, and exercise, and we all know
"exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't" haha!
So, yeah it was a great day, AND i'm sore so that's a good
sign. I'm makin' it a goal to get fit
because I virtually have no muscle. HA! Plus I have
to keep up with Raegan who is always running around. So I'm going to try and exercise at least every other day and get used to it enough to maybe
try every day. I really like the scripture that says, "cease to sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies
and your minds may be invigorated".
I want to make the most out of my time wherever I may be in my life. If I'm weary
I'm not able to be my best self. Life is such a blessing that I think we can all take for granted sometimes. I know I do at times.
SO I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you can make the most out
of who you are and what you do with your life, and you know that what you are doing is right, then you can run and not be weary.
Life is just too good to
be wasting it, I hope that I won't waste my time so much
anymore. :)